Custom Players
Customize your audio player with 'custom players' for a simpler or more complex audio experience.

Sharing Sounds
Enabling users to share their sound creations across the web by connecting their app or web service to SoundCloud, providing value in various use cases.

Hello developers!
Introduction to the new developer portal developers.soundcloud.com and the bundled features of the SoundCloud platform

Experiment 01: Puzzle To Unlock
Exploring the 'Puzzle to Unlock' concept inspired by Manchester Orchestra's label/management team.

We ♥ OAuth 2
Using OAuth 2 as preferred way of API authentication

iOS Sharing Guide
Learn how to use the SoundCloud API Wrapper on iOS to share sounds and make connections on SoundCloud.

Let’s Git it On
A blogpost about using Git for both business development and technical purposes

Music Hack Day Barcelona
A recap of Team SoundCloud's experience at Music Hack Day Barcelona

node.js knockout — August 28th & 29th
Covering SoundCloud developers' participation in the first node.js knockout event on August 28th & 29th

Introducing SoundCloud's support for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) using XMLHttpRequest for JavaScript developers

Let’s go backstage. Welcome to the SoundCloud development blog!
Insights into the development process and updates from the SoundCloud team.

Local First Unconference [2023 / STL]
Exploring the Local First Unconference in 2023 at STL